Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water!

Buoyancy Aid – Floating Device on Water

As I have often said in reviews, safety is way more important than anything when you’re going out on the water.

The buoyancy aid Restube is an accessory that you can clip on your swimming outfit and is super easy and light to carry along with you.

Just pull the cord and the Restube will inflate itself in an instant, making sure you will always come to surface and can rely on this device to stay above water.

A demonstration of how restubes work

Paddle Board Safety with Restube

Paddle board safety might not be the first thing on every paddler’s mind. People often think: “What could happen when I’m quietly paddling around on the water?

But if you lose balance because of a wave or a scare by for instance a bird flying by closely (they freak me out!), you can unexpectedly fall into the water and be so disoriented you cannot differ up and down.

If you get stuck in a strong stream, that are way stronger if you get deeper underwater, it is harder to get back up. The Restube is ideal in this situation and is a true lifesaver.

This handy device is not only great for Stand Up Paddle Boarding, but also for swimming, triathlon, surfing, kitesurfing, basically every sport that has do with water!

There are some different types of Restube, depending on the sport you practice. Swimmers and runners get more compact ones because they need the extra aerodynamics for speed, while rougher sports like kite surfing get an extra safety splint so the Restube will not open by accident while practicing the sport.

restube overview

Restube Products in 2023

Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water! 1

Material: Nylon / TPU
Weight: 245 g
Diameter: 13 cm

Restube Automatic

It’s compact, light, sturdy and always on hand. Attach or wear on your motorcycle, car, car, or drone. You can throw it to others for first aid. Drones have two use cases.

First, the buoyancy aid can be delivered directly to the person using Restube’s automated drop or delivery system. Second, the system can be attached to a drone to keep it afloat and recoverable after it crashes.

Restube automatic can be reused by screwing in a new original 16g CO2 cartridge and water activator. Both are available as a set.

Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water! 2

Material: Nylon / TPU
Weight: 430 g
Diameter: 13 cm

Restube Lifeguard

For trained lifeguards. It’s so compact and rugged that it can be carried in a pocket on the hipbelt or attached directly to a harness. Now you can easily carry your buoyancy and stay more focused on the situation.

Free your hands to swim faster or dive deeper into the waves. At the pull of the trigger, her 80cm flexible Restube lifebuoy inflates in seconds.

The Drag & Secure closure system slides out of your pocket and the system provides enough buoyancy (75N) to secure an adult. Reusable by screwing in new original 16g CO2 cartridges, easy to repack with a little practice.

Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water! 3

Material: Nylon / TPU
Weight: 160 g
Diameter: 13 cm

Restube Beach

Whether at the beach, swimming or snorkeling. Carry a compact bag and spend a better time in the water. Pull the trigger and his yellow Restube buoy inflates in seconds.

Restube Beach offers plenty of buoyancy (50N) for an adult and her children 10+ in swimwear. You can lift your head out of the water just by bending over.

Wave the buoy to get attention or drag it back. The Restube is reusable by screwing in a new original 10.9 g CO2 cartridge and repackaging is very easy.

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Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water! 4

Material: Nylon / TPU
Weight: 195 g
Diameter: 13 cm

Restube Active

Whether you’re on the water, swimming, stand-up paddling, training or competing. Just carry it in a compact bag and focus more on the moment.

Pull the trigger and the yellow Restube buoy inflates in seconds. The Restube Active provides enough buoyancy (75N) for an adult. Simply lean back to lift your head out of the water.

Wave the buoy to get attention or drag it back. You can even share your buoyancy with others, making it an ideal open water companion. Reusable by screwing in new original his 16g CO2 cartridges and very easy to repackage.

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Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water! 5

Material: Nylon / TPU
Weight: 225 g
Diameter: 13 cm

Restube Extreme

Kite or windsurf, surf or pro. The waist belt can be stowed in your pocket or attached directly to your harness for easy transport. Now you can focus more on the present moment.

Pull the trigger and his yellow Restube buoy inflates in seconds. The Restube Extreme provides enough buoyancy (75N) for an adult to just bend down to lift their head out of the water.

Wave the buoy to get attention or drag it back. You can also dive in the waves. Being able to share your buoyancy with others makes it an ideal open water companion. Reusable and easy to repackage by screwing in a new original 16g CO2 cartridge.

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Restube: Your Number 1 Life Saver On The Water! 6

Material: Nylon / TPU
Weight: 315 g
Inflations: Up to 50 releases

PFD by Restube

RESTUBE’s CE certified buoyancy aid. Pdf by RESTUBE is certified class 50N swimming aid (DIN EN ISO 12402-5).

When worn directly on the body, it provides a real buoyancy of 75N after manual deployment. RESTUBE’s Pfd is primarily used for small boats and stand-up paddling as required by local regulations.

Check your local regulations. For example, in Switzerland and Lake Constance you have to put on a certified life jacket as soon as you are 300 meters from the shore.

in stock

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Alright, that’s it folks! What a list this was πŸ˜…. Check out the Restube that suits your activity best and get out on the water safely today!

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Review written by: Tom

Hi! My name is Tom. During the year I try to be on a paddle board as much as possible. By reading this blog you'll stay updated on everything I test on the water :)

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